Solutions for renewable energy
Energy solutions
We understand renewable energy as those energy sources that are obtained from natural means and that are, in principle, inexhaustible. We consider them inexhaustible, either because of the large amount of energy they can contain or because it is capable of regenerating themselves naturally. Within renewable energies we find Wind, Hydroelectric, Solar, Geothermal, Biofuels and tidal waves.
For its part, Basor Electric supplies specific products for each of these clean energy generation subsectors, solving all those technical challenges that may arise. Our Product Department engineers work closely with those responsible for each project to achieve solutions as these types of works may demand.


Our solutions
Wind Energy
Wind energy is the energy obtained from the wind. It is a kinetic energy generated by the effect of air currents that are transformed into other useful forms for consumption in our society.
Historically, wind power has been harnessed since ancient times to move sail-powered boats or run mill gears by moving their blades. Today, sails or blades are no longer made of wood and cloth, but wind power is still used to produce energy, mainly electricity from wind turbines.
Depending on the location of these wind turbines, Basor Electric provides the perfect solutions for channeling cables both inside and outside them for salty or normal environments.
Water Energy
Hydraulic energy or hydric energy is the one obtained from the use of the kinetic and potential energies of the water current, waterfalls or tides. It is a type of green energy when its environmental impact is minimal and uses water power without damming it, otherwise it is considered a form of renewable energy.
This energy can be transformed at very different scales, from traditional farms in which the current of a river moves a bladed rotor and generates a movement applied on a small scale, to large hydroelectric dam plants.
This type of installation demands products with a high resistance to humidity, which is why Basor Electric proposes alternatives in PVC or fiberglass, as well as in stainless steels.
Solar Energy
Solar energy is the energy obtained by capturing the light and heat emitted by the Sun. It is installations that transform solar radiation into electrical energy by means of photovoltaic panels, and the system may have accumulated batteries
The solar rays that reach the Earth can be exploited by means of the heat they produce through the absorption of radiation, either in optical or other devices. It is one of the so-called renewable energies, particularly from the non-polluting group, known as clean energy or green energy
These extensions are known as orchards or solar farms, places where Basor Electric products must meet the highest demands for strength and durability in their products.
Geothermal Energy
Geothermal energy is energy that can be obtained by harnessing the heat of the Earth's interior. The interior of the Earth is hot and the temperature increases with depth. The deep layers are at elevated temperatures and often at that depth there are water tables in which the water is heated: on ascending, hot water or steam produce surface manifestations, such as geysers or hot springs, used for baths from the time of the Romans.
Currently, progress in drilling and pumping methods allow geothermal energy to be exploited in many parts of the world, such exploitation demands products highly resistant to humid environments, therefore Basor Electric offers the best solutions for this type of installation.
A biofuel is a mixture of organic substances that is used as fuel in internal combustion engines. It is derived from biomass, organic matter originated in a biological, spontaneous or provoked process, usable as an energy source. This process is carried out in facilities for the heating of a fluid by means of boilers and approved equipment that use it as fuel.
Biomass can provide substitute energy for fossil fuels, thanks to liquid biofuels (such as biodiesel or bioethanol), gaseous (methane gas), or solid (firewood).
This type of processing plants generate environments that not all products can withstand, so Basor Electric has the answer to these situations with a complete line of products specially designed to resist these environments.