Resistance to fire E30/E60/E90
Basor Electric, sensitive to the need to minimize the consequences of a fire, has subjected its cable trays to rigorous fire resistance tests to ensure the behavior of its products. In the event of a fire, it is necessary to maintain the functionality of certain electrical installations, such as smoke extractors, emergency lighting, fire alarms, or pressure installations for extinction.
Depending on the time it is necessary to maintain the functionality of the installation, we will select the ideal cable management system for each case. The functionality of these facilities will gain more force in public places. In these types of premises, more time is required for their evacuation due to the large accumulation of people.
Basor cable trays against fire
In the absence of applicable European or international regulations, different local regulations are used, such as the German, the Czech and the Slovak, which study the behavior against fire of electrical cable systems necessary to maintain the integrity of the circuit. These standards define the test conditions to verify that the system, made up of fire resistant trays, supports, accessories and cables, maintains the power supply for a certain time even in extreme fire conditions.

DIN 4102-12
“Fire behaviour of building materials and elements. Fire resistance of electric cables systems required to maintain circuit integrity”
CSN 730895
“Fire safety engineering - Maintaining the functionality of cable lines under fire conditions - requirements, testing, classification Px-R, R-PHX and application of test results”
STN 920205
“Fire behaviour of construction products and building construc- tions. Circuit integrity maintenance of cable systems. Require- ments, testing, classification and aplication of test results”
Basor Electric has used these Standards to study the behavior and functionality of its products in the event of a fire. The standard studies the response of the installation of the set of fire-resistant cables subjected to tension with the supports and the trays inside an oven with a defined temperature-time curve.
